Sunday, September 4, 2016

Haunted New England : The Seaside Waterford, CT

The facilities now known as The Seaside Sanatorium was originally built in 1934 as a place to treat children diagnosed with tuberculosis. The building was then transformed in 1958 to be used as a home for the elderly, it was only open for 3 short years before it was once again changed to house and treat people believed to be mentally ill/challenged. You may also know this location by a few different names, as it changed when its purpose did. 

1930s - Seaside Sanatorium 
1958 - Seaside Geriatric Hospital 
1970s - Seaside Regional Center for the Mentally Retarded

It is now simply referred to by locals as "The Seaside".

The building was eventually shut down due to reports of malpractice, suspicious deaths and unexplained disappearances. It was more recently gated, therefore you cannot get inside the actual building without hard to get, special permission. You can, however, walk around the beach area and view it from beyond the gate as it is still considered a state, public park. 

As of summer 2016, it has been decided that the buildings will be renovated in order to be used as a spa / lodge center and a restaurant. While Im not overly enthusiastic about what its being turned into, it is much better than the alternative option of tearing it down and shutting off the area to the public. I hope that the new uplifting reason / use for this building will bring good energy and peace to those that remain there. 

How I investigated:
Before I even left my home, I decided to try something new for my investigation of this location. I did a very short session of opening my energy up to whatever wanted to come through. I saged myself, stood before my cleansing items, closed my eyes and said "whatever and whoever needs to speak, or come forward, please do. Show me whatever you need to, I am opening my energy to you. However you must not follow me or harm anyone while we are in your presence. Thank you, I come to you with nothing but compassion and respect" (Do NOT do this unless you are a legit medium who knows what they are doing!)

I then ventured off to this building and as soon as I walked in front of the first building I saw a woman standing on the stairs (in the picture shown above). She appeared to be wearing a nurses uniform from the 40s or 50s, her hair was dark brown an pinned up. She had her back to me and was carrying some type of tray, walking slowly up the stairs, she seemed to be looking down. She has a sad feeling about her, almost guilt. 

It was at the building where I got one of the heaviest feelings Ive felt anywhere. I felt sadness and isolation. My chest had a heavy pressure on it and I felt frozen, wanting to leave the area yet feeling drawn to it at the same time. 

I felt stuck, and blank. Almost as if I was in a day dream or trance. I was quite drawn to the upper windows of this building, I felt a young female presence that was projecting these feelings onto me. The best comparable feeling would be being on a medication that made you shut down or feel like a zombie. I saw her in a gown, that looked to be grey, and she had medium brown hair big eyes. She seemed to be no more than 12 or 13. 

The next photos I will share with you is where I felt a male presence. It is also where I again felt the young girl and believe I may have caught something on camera through the window.

The male appeared large, no hair and to be around his mid to late 40s. He had a domineering, rough energy and seemed to peer down from a tower like structure that will appear in the photo below. He showed himself to me with his arms crossed, if I had to guess, I would say he was a guard of some sort. He appeared to be wearing scrubs and I believe he may have been from the 60s or 70s. 

I also found a feather while I was doing my investigation and in my belief system, feathers have deep meaning and find you when they are meant to. Perhaps this was a sign, as I had the distinct feeling the night before that whoever is still at The Seaside knew full well I was coming, as I began to get images and strange feelings in my room the night before all the way up until I left. 

This is the front of the building where I felt the male presence the strongest. 

Taken through the fence of the basement. This is from the first building you see as you approach the property. My sister reported feeling sad and like she needed to stay. She felt drawn to the inside, feeling a deep connection with that particular part of the property.

Male and female presence felt here. Heavy feeling, I saw many people in flashes around this area.

This is a side view of the building in which I saw a female face in the window. 

**ALWAYS be respectful when visiting any suspected haunted location. Not only to respect whoever or whatever may still be there, but respect the land and property.**

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