Friday, September 2, 2016

Debunking Tarot Cards + The Dangers Of Whos Behind The Deck

Tarot cards are among the oldest methods of "psychic reading" that there is. However, Tarot doesnt provide a Psychic reading at all. What it does do, is give you general, non specific, often vague messages. Anyone can pick up a deck of cards and claim to be a reader, and if they do not know what they are doing, it could prove to be troublesome for all parties involved. 

Below, I will start with some major red flags to look for in a Tarot Reader and in intuitive readers in general. It is important to remember that Tarot Readers are not necessarily intuitive, as said above, anyone can pick up a deck and claim to know what theyre talking about. And in fact, the majority of Tarot users Ive come across, had ZERO natural born ability, and a whole lot of delusions.

1. If a reader ever fishes for information from you, or asks you personal information other than your first name, this is a red flag.

2. Readers should never go to you and pressure you to give them business. Often times, they will use scare tactics and even call your home or send you mail urging you to call them immediately saying theyre the only ones that can help you.

3. If ANYONE claims you have been cursed, walk away from the reading, and do not proceed. This is a scheme to get you to pay a hefty price for healing and cleansing that you absolutely do not need. Often times, the person, should they really have an entity or negative energy in their home, will be able to cleanse the home themselves with simple tools and methods. 

4. As stated previously, hefty prices for their "services" are a major red flag. Real readers either dont charge, or they go by donations or SMALL fees for their time. Anything over $30 for a full, in depth reading is excessive. Readings normally dont take more than 1 hour, so do not let them try to scam out into paying them more and more money. People also shouldnt be charging per card.

5. If someone says you must not repeat any of the "reading" to friends, or if you shouldnt tell your friends about this person, this is yet another major NO NO. 

6. Computer generated Tarot Readings. Have you ever seen those widgets or files that flash a bunch of Tarot images and have you click on them to find out your "fortune"? Yeah, those are fake too! Never trust a digital deck.

Another important point to make is that often times, when I speak to so called Tarot readers, I notice they seem to think, or try to convince the person being read that these cards are magical and powerful, capable of transferring messages from gods and spirits themselves! This is simply not true, Tarot Cards are made out of ink and paper, they are made in a factory, mass produced, just like your every day pack of playing cards!

Yet another point, and I ALWAYS tell people this. If a reader uses a photo to read you, or is doing it in person. The initial reading is based off cold reading. Anyone who wont admit this is either a fake or misinformed. You can tell a lot about people by their demeanor, expression, clothing, etc. Once it goes beyond general statements, and you start picking up more details you wouldnt otherwise know, thats when you can consider that you may have some type of abilities. 

There are many types of Tarot Cards. Each deck normally has 78 cards. However, there are other forms of the Tarot that you should also be weary of. Oracle Cards and Angel Cards are among the most commonly used other than the traditional Tarot. Below, is a type of Oracle card. 

The Danger Of Whos Behind The Deck:
While the cards themselves have no power or true meaning, the person behind the deck is what is the most concerning part. If the reader has negative energy, malicious intent, or is misinformed about how to correctly use the Tarot (which is for entertainment purposes only), bad energy and bad advice can be given to the person being read. This is especially dangerous, because Ive noticed a trend in which people are relying 100% on the Tarot or other types of readings to make their major life decisions, even down to the everyday decisions they need to make in their lives. They start to surrender their free will and become delusional themselves. 

So, if you dont take anything else away from this little article, at least take a sense of weariness and be AWARE of scam tactics. And, remember, Tarot is nothing but a deck of playing cards with fancy images on it.


  1. Hi,

    Sorry if I'm being a pedant but I would hesitate to call tarot one of the oldest methods of 'psychic reading'. While we can certainly date the cards' creation to the early/mid 15th Century, it was about 350 years before they were taken up for divination - and for a further century, that was limited to just France. Prior to this, they were only known for game play (a family of trick taking games). If memory serves, ordinary playing cards were used for divination before tarot was.

  2. Tarot is one of the "oldest tricks in the book" is what I mean. It's most commonly used to scam people and tarot is not an accurate or real way of reading.
