Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Critical Look Into The Dead Files (Part 2-A)

In the previous installment of this requested series, we discussed some minor examples of looping, repetitive findings, and why certain aspects of the show are portrayed the way they are. In this next section, we will take a look at Amy's behavior during her readings. 

Some critics have claimed that her behavior is proof that the show is faked. Or that her behavior is distracting and just for show. We will briefly discuss why this is not the case and dive a bit into what one may experience while doing a reading of this type. 

In my many of the more intense episodes of the series, viewers may see Amy experience intense headaches, heart palpitations, various levels of pain and may even see her keel over from that experience. Viewers may also see her become short of breath or have trouble speaking. Due to such reactions to her experiences, some have stated that she is over exaggerating or faking her reactions.

Now, I can only speak for myself, but as someone who has conducted residential readings, and witnessed them, I can say, from my own personal experience, Amy isn't faking it. Her reactions to what she's experiencing are quite normal. Many mediums have physical, visible reactions to the sites they are reading. This, in my experience, happens most frequently to physical empaths.

In some cases, the medium isn't just picking up residual energy, sounds, scents, or events. They are, to some degree, living through them, as the energies once did. This, may cause the medium to have physical reactions to the energy they are reading. This is due to them feeling it as it if were happening to them.

In order for people to better understand it, I liken it to a twin connection. When one twin is being physically harmed, or experiencing pain, the other twin feels it just as intensely as if it were happening to them. This is the most simple way to explain what a medium may be feeling during a reading like this.

Some energies also manifest phsyically. So, if an energy is strong enough, they may be able to make the medium move in a certain way, or make an expression that they normally would not. In some episodes, you may see Amy widen her eyes and smile a certain way that, in any other setting or context, would be doubly unsettling. 

Now, in this installment, we did an overview of what many viwers have brought up as concerns and suspiciions over her behavior. To keep this installment from becoming too long of a read, in the next part, we will compare and contrast some of Amy's investigations with some that I, and others have been a part of. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Critical Look Into The Dead Files (Part 1)

The Dead Files, a popular paranormal investigation show featured on the Travel Channel, has had believers and skeptics captivated since 2011. Now in its 12th season, the show has worked with a multitude of families, business owners and famous locales. Most notably, Alcatraz, and the Lizzie Borden House. 

The basis of the show is that medium, Amy Allan works with her partner, retired detective, Steve DiSchiavi to resolve alleged haunted activity and paranormal happenings. The show claims that Amy has zero prior knowledge of the location or events taking place there. Unfortunately, according to some critics, the show doesn't provide much proof of that claim. How does the audience know that Amy had zero prior knowledge? If we are thinking this through step by step, Amy would at least have to know the town and state she is flying into, that's a given. 

However, when it comes to locations like the Borden House, it leaves the audience asking, how could she not have any prior knowledge of such a famous case? How could there not be contamination within that investigation? Simply due to the fact that so many groups and individuals have investigated the residence, and there's been a substantial amount of press and coverage of the case, even to this day. Therefore, there is no way Amy or any medium would have zero prior knowledge of a location like this. It would also be very hard to conduct an uncontaminated investigation due to such coverage and discussion.

While audiences may be able to give Amy a pass on locations like this, some aren't so forgiving when it comes to cases that involve families allegedly dealing with horrific paranormal events. 

Now, while I don't doubt that Amy has legitimate abilities. After all, Amy has been studied and her abilities tested by leading parapsychologists such as William Roll. Amy also stated, numerous times that she began experiencing things around age 4. This lines up with the average age that most mediums start to see and experience the paranormal. 

However, I do question the repetitive findings. As well as the process in which the camera man removes personal items from the homes.

Author and skeptic Karen Stollznow, specifically pointed out that often times, religious items/iconography are left in the home and would be seen by Amy during her walk. This begs the question, why? Why are these religious items left out in the open? One might argue it could be out of respect for the religion itself or the family they are helping, but the bottom line is, they contaminate an investigation.

When it comes to Amy finding the same, or very similar entities or energies at almost all of her locations, one could argue that these entities are much more prevalent than people thought. The problem with this argument is that it's just not true. A severe haunting or high level of paranormal activity isn't particularly common. In fact, the amount of evil entities that are being described at almost every location is, to some at least, questionable.

                       Photo Credit / Source

Now, in Amy's defense it could be that she is referencing things she has seen before in order to attempt to accurately describe what she is seeing, feeling, experiencing, etc. It can be very hard to describe sensations and imagery that only you are seeing, and even then it may be distorted, depending on what type of energy you are dealing with, and whether or not that particular being has the ability to manipulate what it shows to those that can see it. 

So, its very possible that she isn't necessarily seeing the exact same thing(s) at every location, but describing them in a way the audience can process and visualize. I do, however, see and acknowledge how that can, in some cases be considered suspicious or confusing to viewers and skeptics. 

For example, Amy often claims to see shadow-people. And while shadow-like people or figures aren't all that uncommon, legitimate shadow-people, are. Using terminology loosely can lead to confusion and skepticism. So, while Amy could attempt to use alternative terminology or descriptors to differentiate between things the Shadow-people, and shadow-like figures, for the sake of simplicity and probably)film time and editing, it is most likely a lot easier to simply say "shadow people." Not to mention, that conducting a reading such as Amy is in the show, your brain is most likely not focused on the terminology being used, and rather what is being experienced in that very moment.

                        Photo Credit / Source

This leads some to believe that the whole show is staged or faked. I personally don't agree with that statement. People need to remember, that while this is a paranormal show, and the hosts should be as scientifically accurate and transparent as possible, it's still a Tv show built to get views and entertain. Not only that, but the show needs to be cohesive and fit into an allotted time frame. So, while its understandable that viewers are asking, "Why don't they ever show Amy being wrong?" or "Why do you they only show the things she gets right?". Well, the most basic answer to that is, they aren't going to waste air time by showing everything that went wrong during an investigation, simply because it's not "good television." 

In my opinion, cutting the parts that do not make for good television, is not something we should really be mad about. Every show, in some way is edited, altered, and presented in a certain way for a reason. So, in that aspect, we should take this, any any other show like it, at face value. It is what it is, and in reality, isn't going to be the most accurate or transparent portrayal of the paranormal. 

In the next installment of this series, we will dive into more examples of looping, repetitive findings, and break them down. We will also take a closer look at Amy's behavior during an investigation and lead into some of the more serious issues with the show, as well as other paranormal programming. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Chip Coffey: A Breakdown

Basic Info:

Chip Coffey is a self proclaimed psychic originally from Elmira, NY, now living in Atlanta, GA. He has worked on numerous television shows and specials, as well as participated in shows playing someone other than himself. Unlike, some of our other featured psychics in this series of articles, Coffeys work has been put under the microscope in big ways. 

Skepticism From The Beginning:

In 2009, Coffey was awarded the James Randi Education Foundations Pigasus Award for quote, "the psychic who tricked the most people with the least effort." Reportedly, Coffey also "stormed out" of the FFXN-FM morning show studio after the host brought up his skepticism. Later, in 2014, the Bay Area Skeptics showed up to a group seance hosted by Coffey and planted falsified stories of fictitious dead relatives to Coffeys staff. As the evening went on, Coffey claimed to be perfectly communicating with said fake family members, according to sting organizer Susan Gerbic. 

Television Shows:

Coffey has participated in a variety of shows, "documentaries", and scripted movies. Below you'll find a short list of his most well known shows and appearances. 

Paranormal State (2007-2011)
Psychic Kids (2008- )
Kindred Spirits (2016-2017)
Exorcism: LIVE! (2015)


Coffey has been criticized not only for his shady reading methods and questionable behavior and choices, but for his prices as well. Coffey offers 3 types of readings, as listed below:

Psychic Reading (or personal consultation) $200 / 20-30 min
Spirit Contact $500 / 30-45 min
Combination Reading $650 / aprox. 45 min

ASAP Readings:

General $400 / 20-30 min
Mediumship $700
Combination $850

The prices are not only outrageous but they are that of a scammer. By no means, does anyone need to charge people that much or make this their sole means of income, as Coffey has used as an excuse for his sky high prices. Because he has "bills to pay." Well, my answer to him, is, so do your poor clients that are seeking help. 

My Own Experience With Chip Coffey:

The series of following photos will show a disturbing trend in how he treats anyone who dares to question him even a little. I am not the only one to receive this unacceptable and suspicious treatment from Coffey. 


Conclusion and Rating: Rating based on a 5 star system (1* = 1 star)

Truthfulness: **
Specificity:** (only gets specifics due to having a staff that speaks to audience, does research, much like Caputo)
Client Interaction: *
Price: 0
Ability to help people:*
Overall: 1.25 stars

Do I endorse or recommend him? NO.

Amy Allen : A Breakdown

Basic Info:

Amy Allan is a physical medium who was born in Colorado in 1973. She began to experience the paranormal at a young age, recalling her experiences with shadow people as early as four years old. Later, she attended the University of Arizona and earned a degree in Psychology.

Before The Dead Files:

Amy is a natural born medium, and while she has experienced the paranormal almost all her life, she did not begin using her abilities professionally until the age of twenty. She has been tested not only by parapsychologists, but by police detectives. She has assisted detectives in their understanding of their own intuition. She studies other people and their abilities, while helping them understand them and serving the public.

Allan has previously worked with the Discovery Channel, TLC and similar networks, both as an on air guest and a behind the scenes consultant.

More Than A Ghost Buster:

On top of her degree in psychology, Allan also practices alternative medicine, including but not limited to the following:
Asian medicine
Zen Shiatsu
Western Massage

Through these practices, degree and her abilities, she helps people overcome their emotional and physical ailments and issues.

The Dead Files:

TDF debuted on September 23rd 2011 and is still on air. The show revolves around Amy Allan and her partner Steve Deschavi, who investigate various locations. Allan uses her mediumship abilities and Steve, a retired cop, finds historical information about each location and town.

Critics of Allan and the show seem to have common, understandable things to say about both. Some of the issues brought up include accusations of staging, use of scripts, overdramatic reactions, non specific readings and questions like, "Why is EVERY location they go to haunted?" and "Why are there SO many negative hauntings?" "Why the same type of spirits?"

All valid questions and concerns, and I do agree with that to a certain level. While I do understand that some of her readings can get repetitive, viewers need to keep in mind that this is a TV show and does follow a formula of sorts, in order to be successful and retain its viewership. While I don't have an answer for why the same type of entities seem to pop up in almost every location, all I can say is that there are more negative energies out there than people would like to think or admit, unfortunately.

As for "Why is every location haunted?", well, my counter question would be : "Why air an episode where they didn't experience anything?"

I do tend to blame the production here more than Amy or Steve, having dealt with the production and crew myself over the phone. The woman I spoke to seemed more interested in my case fitting specific criteria in order for her to allow Amy to help me. Therefore, I cannot blame Amy for this.

My Own Issues With Amy:

First, I will list my basic, not so serious issues with Amy. First, I do not agree with her idea that everyone is psychic, nor do I personally agree with using that term especially as a public figure, because of the connotation and misunderstanding that comes along with. I also think that some of her readings are a little rough around the edges at time, which is true of all mediums, so this isnt a jab at her by any means, what I do mean, though, is that sometimes I feel she reaches for something to blame for the haunting, such as the presence of "aliens" or "unknown creatures". Could she be correct in saying that the things she's encountering are, in fact, alien or aline like? Perhaps. But I feel she's mentioned aliens a bit too often, as actual alien or alien like encounters are incredibly rare. Public, well known mediums need to be very careful with how and what they put out, in terms of terminology, description, etc. But again, these are just some of my personal preferences and thoughts and dont necessarily discredit her at all.

Now, this next issue Ill get into is much more serious, and has ramifications beyond the show, and beyond the paranormal field. Amy, on numerous occasions, has referenced, mentioned, spoken of and blamed "curses" and Native American spirits for negative occurrences in some of the homes she has investigated.

There are multiple episodes and mentions of curses and the need to bring in a Shaman to cleanse the home and land. These types of depictions reinforce tension and misunderstanding between Natives and Non- Natives. Why is the misrepresentation of us a point of entertainment? Why must we always be shown in a scary or negative light? Why is Amy telling people to have Shamans come to their homes to “fix it”?

This contributes to mystical ideas about Natives. It also tokenizes us and portrays our cultures as watered down and whitewashed. It suggests we don’t have distinct cultures and contributes to others seeing us as something of the past.And it reinforces the idea that we’re all “gone” with the exception of their mystical image of us, aka the Shaman. These types of tropes and depictions contribute directly to violence against Natives, and if I could, I would urge Amy to be very careful of how she's partaking in this problematic practice. She is a great medium, and it saddens me to see her say these things on national, international television.

Eps of The Dead Files that play into the “Native Burial Ground” trope:
Season 3 Ep 11 “Blood In The Bordello”
Season 3 Ep 21 “Deadly Grounds”
Season 3 Ep 22 “Evil Underground”
Season 3 Ep 31 “Battleground” (specific mention of Saginaw Chippewa)
Conclusion and Rating: (rating based on a 5 star system, 1 * = 1 star)To sum up, I think Amy is a wonderful medium and has helped many people. Though I dont always agree with some of the things she says or does, due to personal cultural practices and identity.

Truthfulness: ***
Transparency: ***
Accuracy: ****
Specificity: ****
Client Interaction: ****
Price: (no accurate/specific info found)
Consistency: ***
Ability to help people: ****
Average/Overall rating: 3.5 stars
Do I endorse or recommend her? YES (I endorse her abilities)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Theresa Caputo : A Breakdown

General Information:

Theresa Caputo is a 51 year old, self proclaimed psychic who became famous through her television show The Long Island Medium (on TLC)in 2011. She has two children and is recently separated from her former husband Larry. She claims she channels what she calls "Spirit" through her chakras and can control who and what type of information / spirits / energies connect with her. 

The Live Experience:

According to various sources, phones are not allowed to be on or out during the live shows. Multiple people have said they are vigilant about keeping peoples phones away. Another thing that left fans disappointed is Caputo's decision to push subscriptions for her "fan club" ($19.99) before beginning the live readings. During these "live experiences", she spouts general information and vague feelers until someone shows a visual or auditory response. She has not been seen walking up to anyone and relaying specific, detailed information. She asks questions and looks for objects in peoples hands / jewelry, etc and waits for a response from someone in the audience, especially if multiple people react to her vague starters. 

The generalized starters and feelers only turn more specific when she gets a clear reaction. An example from an article on below:

"Did he write you a note shortly before he died saying IM SORRY?"

When there is no positive or affirming response, she will begin to back track, like so;

"The next time youre in a card store and you see a card that says IM SORRY, know that this is from him."

Some former fans even say that the live experience "was like pulling teeth" to make a genuine connection with an audience member. There was another alleged incident of the TLC crew grilling a guest on Long Island Medium about her deceased husband before she could film with Caputo and now thinks Theresa is a phony.

Her Methods and Excuses:

Caputo claims that she channels "Spirit" through her chakras and her "brain goes blank so I'm clearly channeling". She also claims to have been "brain tested", so her abilities MUST be true! 

One thing I and others have noticed is that she all too often acts like a therapist or grief counselor to her clients, when really she is giving nothing more than general, cliche comfort. 

"I always say it is not my fault or spirits fault that there are only so many ways that people can die and common burdens and guilt that we might carry." - Caputo

This seems like a huge cop-out to me. She is contradicting herself, saying on one hand she can completely control what and who connects with her and only allowing positive information to come through. Then back tracking again, saying she cannot help that she can only give general info and spews the same things to all her clients. Pick one and stick with it! As many actual mediums or people with abilities will tell you they cannot control who or what connects with them or what type of info comes out.

A former psychic has also claimed that Caputo is a "piggy backer", which means she back tracks and reconstructs her readings after she is told she missed the mark. 

Though she claims to make a difference in peoples lives and claims to truly help them, giving them false information and cliche comfort may not be truly helpful in the long run. If anyone was truly touched and helped by her, by all means, that's wonderful. But she isn't accurate or consistent enough for me. 

So, to sum this section up, Caputo is cold reader and may also be utilizing hot reading techniques (gaining info before meetings).

What others are saying:

Some guests that appeared on the show claim that Caputo is cold and ignores her fans off camera. Pushing past guests and making them re-do scenes to her liking. 

Howard Stern even claims that Caputo made outlandish demands in regard to her would-have-been appearance on his show. He also claims she demanded 45 minutes to an hour alone with the audience before filming could begin. 

"The Long Island psychic is not a psychic!" - Howard Stern

Conclusion and Rating: (rating based on a 5 star system one * = 1 star)

Truthfulness: **
Transparency: **
Accuracy: *
Specificity: *
Client Interaction: **
Price: * 
Consistency: *
Ability to help people: **
Average/Overall rating: 1.5 stars

Do I endorse or recommend her? NO

(The only information I could find on her prices were that private readings were between $50 and $175. Ticket prices vary as do group reading rates. However I have read elsewhere that she may charge by the hour and / or go up to $500 per reading)

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Issue With Orbs

Orbs: Orbs are often thought to be solid evidence or manifestations of spirits or spirit activity. Many self proclaimed gurus, ghost hunters and psychics will claim that they see or capture orbs in pictures and videos. However, there is little to no definitive evidence to suggest its paranormal in any way.

Orbs are not a clear signifier of spirit activity nor are they accepted as admissible proof of a haunting or activity to any reputable mediums, spiritual investigators, or the like. Unfortunately, unlike tv, spirits don’t really form in balls (orbs) or circle around us. They are energy, yes, but there’s no proof of them actually manifesting this way. Most likely this is dust, bugs, a camera glitch, lighting issue, particles in the air, etc. so many variables can cause what LOOKS like an “orb” when in fact it’s something completely mundane or normal.

Photos or video taken in dim rooms using flash or light from the camera, can cause orb-like shapes to appear. I’ve seen many photos and videos like this and even had it happen to myself. Below you'll find a prime example of false orbs in a picture of a group of my friends in a basement with low lighting, flash and other odd light sources. And there’s actually nothing spirit related in the basement.

Common factors that come across as so called orbs are as follows:


There is an excellent article, with visual examples on entitled "Tips On Debunking Orbs". (Author: L Sarhan)

False orbs can occur with ANY type of camera! It is commonly believed that you can totally avoid the getting false evidence with a polaroid or old camera, but this is not true. Both modern, digital, or vintage cameras can pull up orb like figures and give you false evidence. 

Orbs are also claimed so often that it seems every other day someone believes they've captured groundbreaking evidence of the haunting they think is happening in their house, or evidence of an urban legend apparition. This is problematic and makes the paranormal far too accessible, in a not so good way. It causes misinformation and surrounds the topic in an over simplified mysticism, like a child's fairytale. These ideas have been amplified by shows like Ghost Adventures, who routinely showcase orbs as "evidence" of what they were seeking. 

My best advice? Be very weary of orbs or anything captured on camera that looks like a photo chemical burn. (Example below)

Thursday, May 31, 2018

First attempt at homemade ROSE WATER

Homemade Rose Water Recipe

4-8 cups of distilled/clean water (amount of water depends on how much you want to make)

Fresh roses of your choice ( I used yellow because they have significant meaning, I also added fresh lilac petals from my lilac bushes )

*Make sure that the roses / any flowers you use DO NOT have pesticides on them! 

Essential Oils (optional)

I personally used the following essential oils:

White Angelica

*All essential oils must be food grade / therapeutic grade. Make sure all oils and ingredients used are up to standard and totally safe

Bring water up to a simmer and add flowers

Simmer the flowers until they begin to lose their color and wilt

Add a few drops of essential oils (optional)

Simmer for about 5 more minutes to incorporate the oils

Take off the heat and let it cool

I personally left the petals in while the mixture cooled

Drain the mixture and bottle the rose water 

I used a spray bottle and a mason jar

*Always spot test and avoid ingredients you are or may be allergic to

*I added a small pinch of salt just to keep the mixture from molding / spoiling