Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Critical Look Into The Dead Files (Part 2-A)

In the previous installment of this requested series, we discussed some minor examples of looping, repetitive findings, and why certain aspects of the show are portrayed the way they are. In this next section, we will take a look at Amy's behavior during her readings. 

Some critics have claimed that her behavior is proof that the show is faked. Or that her behavior is distracting and just for show. We will briefly discuss why this is not the case and dive a bit into what one may experience while doing a reading of this type. 

In my many of the more intense episodes of the series, viewers may see Amy experience intense headaches, heart palpitations, various levels of pain and may even see her keel over from that experience. Viewers may also see her become short of breath or have trouble speaking. Due to such reactions to her experiences, some have stated that she is over exaggerating or faking her reactions.

Now, I can only speak for myself, but as someone who has conducted residential readings, and witnessed them, I can say, from my own personal experience, Amy isn't faking it. Her reactions to what she's experiencing are quite normal. Many mediums have physical, visible reactions to the sites they are reading. This, in my experience, happens most frequently to physical empaths.

In some cases, the medium isn't just picking up residual energy, sounds, scents, or events. They are, to some degree, living through them, as the energies once did. This, may cause the medium to have physical reactions to the energy they are reading. This is due to them feeling it as it if were happening to them.

In order for people to better understand it, I liken it to a twin connection. When one twin is being physically harmed, or experiencing pain, the other twin feels it just as intensely as if it were happening to them. This is the most simple way to explain what a medium may be feeling during a reading like this.

Some energies also manifest phsyically. So, if an energy is strong enough, they may be able to make the medium move in a certain way, or make an expression that they normally would not. In some episodes, you may see Amy widen her eyes and smile a certain way that, in any other setting or context, would be doubly unsettling. 

Now, in this installment, we did an overview of what many viwers have brought up as concerns and suspiciions over her behavior. To keep this installment from becoming too long of a read, in the next part, we will compare and contrast some of Amy's investigations with some that I, and others have been a part of. 

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