Orbs are not a clear signifier of spirit activity nor are they accepted as admissible proof of a haunting or activity to any reputable mediums, spiritual investigators, or the like. Unfortunately, unlike tv, spirits don’t really form in balls (orbs) or circle around us. They are energy, yes, but there’s no proof of them actually manifesting this way. Most likely this is dust, bugs, a camera glitch, lighting issue, particles in the air, etc. so many variables can cause what LOOKS like an “orb” when in fact it’s something completely mundane or normal.
Photos or video taken in dim rooms using flash or light from the camera, can cause orb-like shapes to appear. I’ve seen many photos and videos like this and even had it happen to myself. Below you'll find a prime example of false orbs in a picture of a group of my friends in a basement with low lighting, flash and other odd light sources. And there’s actually nothing spirit related in the basement.
Common factors that come across as so called orbs are as follows:
There is an excellent article, with visual examples on Exemplore.com entitled "Tips On Debunking Orbs". (Author: L Sarhan)
False orbs can occur with ANY type of camera! It is commonly believed that you can totally avoid the getting false evidence with a polaroid or old camera, but this is not true. Both modern, digital, or vintage cameras can pull up orb like figures and give you false evidence.
Orbs are also claimed so often that it seems every other day someone believes they've captured groundbreaking evidence of the haunting they think is happening in their house, or evidence of an urban legend apparition. This is problematic and makes the paranormal far too accessible, in a not so good way. It causes misinformation and surrounds the topic in an over simplified mysticism, like a child's fairytale. These ideas have been amplified by shows like Ghost Adventures, who routinely showcase orbs as "evidence" of what they were seeking.
My best advice? Be very weary of orbs or anything captured on camera that looks like a photo chemical burn. (Example below)
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