Monday, May 1, 2017

Tools Used In Paranormal Investigations (1)

EMF METER : EMF stands for Electric Motive Force, which is how much force an electric charge has that the meter picks up on. Many investigators say that EMF is Electro Magnetic Fields, but this is technically not true. And, the scenes in which these investigators are using said EMF Detector, are basically filler scenes to entice the audience. The EMF detector cannot accurately detect spirit activity. But, heres what it DOES do, according to the Paranormal Investigation and Research Group : 

"The object is to measure the fields strength so that we can compare it to what is found in other locations. From this comparison, we can determine if there is poor insulation on some machine or if there are possible dangers to someone working in a given area. It can also be used to locate faulty wiring and hidden electronic spying equipment. "

In fact, I don't even recommend using one. You won't be able to gather and hard evidence of a paranormal occurrence using an EMF Meter. One was used in my home when I had a team come out to confirm the events that my family was experiencing, and it was being thrown off by various things in my house, such as a small fan, a turned off air conditioner, and other electrical devices. 

SB7 Spirit Box : The Spirit Box was designed to pick up the voices and sounds of spirits in real time. Essentially, its just like using a tape recorder, but you're hearing the messages in real time, and often, more clearly. The Spirit Box works by sweeping over hundreds of frequencies at a rapid rate in order to pick up a spirit communication, giving you higher chances of picking up a clear message. Some people choose to use a separate speaker to enhance the volume and clarity of the audio coming through the box, as one complaint is that it is sometimes hard to hear whats coming through. This tool is favored because of the rapid rate in which it sweeps, about 5 frequencies per second. This lessens the chance of you coming across a radio station or police signal. So, if you do end up hearing messages or full words/sentences, chances are that it is paranormal!

It is important to remember that none of the devices shown in this series of articles are meant to be used as toys. Whether they are being used for paranormal research or not, they are still scientific tools and are not to be regarded lightly. 

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