Sunday, November 12, 2017

An Intro To Aromatherapy : Common/ Most Accessible Essential Oils

For this introduction to aromatherapy I will introduce to you, a few of the most common, accessible essential oils that you can use to get started in the world of aromatherapy and cleansing. 

1. Lavender : Lavender can be very calming and help you with sleep. I would recommend you use it carefully or sparingly as for myself and many others, too much of this oil or scent can cause a headache. 

2. Chamomile : Most of you know Chamomile in the form of a tea. In the form of an oil, it can have the same calming, restful effects. that a tea will give you. It has a very earthy scent and is great when mixed with other complimentary oils. 

*I will provide a quick guide on how to mix or combine oils safely, effectively, in another post*

3. Rosemary : This oil is more invigorating and uplifting than the first two mentioned. This is another earthy, woodsy scent and is great when used with a mixer or carrier oil. This oil can be used in a diffuser (as all other oils can be), or with a carrier oil when used directly on the skin for massage purposes. 

*Carrier oils should be mixed with any essential oil when you put it directly on the skin. Carrier oils (such as almond oil, for one example) dilute the essential oil enough so it has a lower chance of it causing a reaction on your skin, or being too overpowering.*

4. Lemon : Lemon is another invigorating and refreshing scent. Often used in face washes, to act as a wake up or pick me up in the morning. Lemon oil as an obvious citrusy, vibrant and light floral scent to it. Lemon itself is antibacterial as well, which is why its in so many skincare and cleaning products. 

5. Frankincense : This is a very deep, warm scent. It is quintessential in cleansing your home and is commonly used. To some, Frankincense is considered holy or scared. I suggest you use this oil with a carrier oil or in a diffuser, as it can be very strong / potent if used on its on or if you use too much. This oil is believed to help with respiratory issues, so it can be used in a hot bath or as a massage oil. 

6. Peppermint : Peppermint is fresh, distinct and refreshing. It can permeate a room instantly if it is clean and fresh. Mint is believed to help with digestion or stomach aches. Some people use peppermint to rid their home of insects and pests, but my favorite use for it is in aromatherapy. A few drops in a steaming shower or hot bath, mixed with a carrier oil to help alleviate sore muscles, or in a diffuser so it can permeate the air and slowly lead you into a cooling state. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

"Psychic / Medium" Stereotypes - Focus On Appearance / Behavior

If you've ever seen a psychic, medium, or spiritually gifted person on TV, in a book, magazine, etc, they've most likely either been portrayed as; a) a dark, brooding, almost gothic looking person or b) a hippie, floaty, spacey type that waves their hands over a crystal ball. 

While this can be accurate sometimes, based on the individuals style or persona, I find it to be wildly inaccurate for the most part. On occasion, even I have been met with skepticism solely because of how I look and / or present myself. Spiritually gifted people do, in fact, look normal or even blend in completely with everyone else. We are not all gothic or spacey hippies. Not that there is anything wrong with you if you happen to be that way. 

There are certain "famous psychics" that are not helping the cause with some of their behavior or presentation either. People who use "Miss ____" or "The Amazing ____" or even "Lady ____", are not to be trusted in my opinion. This habit is from way back when psychics were viewed only as mystics who hid in dark rooms and chanted over crystal ball and tarot cards. 

In fact, Ive seen many examples of spiritually gifted people being portrayed as scary, evil, as bullies, etc. A prime example of this is The Craft. Now, as much I enjoy this classic "cult" favorite, I do think it puts a negative spin on spiritual people and practices, especially those who practice "alternative spirituality". The girls in the movie were also self proclaimed witches, so on the flip side of my previous statement, I do think it brings attention to the fact that "modern witches" are not what they seem to be, because they don't have any real ability, and Wicca or Witchcraft is simply an alternative belief system. Many modern practitioners of Wicca and Witchcraft tend to let it all go their heads, which is clearly depicted in the movie. 

Now that we've covered some basic issues with how authentic spiritually gifted  people behave, what do they do? What do they not do?


- Some of us can see the past, present and/or future
- Some of us practice herbalism (this is NOT synonymous with Wicca, nor is herbalism a natural born ability.)
- Some of us read people (there are numerous types of legitimate reading techniques)
- Some of us help people
- Some of us use crystals as a spiritual supplement or to aid in cleansing and bringing in positive energy
- We are (mostly), all different 

- We don't know everything
- We don't always predict things
- We don't all do love or pregnancy readings
- We aren't what you see in Hollywood, or "Phone Psychic" ads
- We don't remove curses (do not trust anyone who says they can)
- We don't solely do readings from tarot cards or pendulums (I would be cautious with people who solely rely on cards, tea leaves, pendulums, and the like to "read" people)
- We can't tell you what to do or make life decisions for you
- We can't tel you exactly who you'll marry, or when, how, etc
- We don't need to see you naked to read you! This may seem obvious but there have been far too many cases of people getting taken advantage of by creepy frauds on various platforms
- We don't all see auras, but most could learn how
- We don't learn our abilities/ how to be psychic we are either born with them or we aren't (there are only a select few things that people can learn how to do, aura reading is one of them)
- We don't literally read your mind
- We don't need a bunch of your personal info (full name, birthday, location, etc)
- We don't all "see" dead people (except, I do :P )

*Please note that these lists are condensed for the purpose of this article and there are many more examples that can and may be added to these lists!*

In conclusion, there are stereotypes upon stereotypes about spiritually gifted people. In the years to come, I'm sure more will pop up as the way we are viewed changes and develops. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

The Ouija Situation

I was sitting in my room, on a Skype call when I started getting texts from my sister regarding her friends. Her friend had shown her a photo of a window in his house, saying that he was seeing things run around his house, the window had been broken and that someone had been scratched, among other experiences. I read the photo, immediately seeing that there was three spirits in his home. Two of them, were the same person. 

First, I saw the girl, wearing a hospital gown, her arms waving side to side in the air, an unnatural grin on her face. Her hair was damp and looked dark. Her skin looked sickly and the laugh she emanated was bone chilling. I saw that she was projecting a male image (which can clearly be seen in the photo I was sent, she was standing behind him / the projection)along with her true image (what she looked like in life). 

I saw her locked up in a hospital and restrained. I saw that she was violent, and extremely mentally ill. I felt that she took joy in harming people, and enjoyed scaring people. I also saw that she was messing with their phones and hiding around their house. I saw that she had been locked up for some time and had tried to harm her family. I also saw that she had been alive not too too long ago. I figured around the late 90s. 

Soon after I started my reading on the photo, relaying my messages through text to my sister, who then relayed them to her friend, my sister came through my bedroom door with her friend on the phone. I could tell right away that this boy was terrified. Normally, teenage boys don't want to appear scared or frightened, especially in front of their buddies. But he, and the other two boys involved were clearly distraught over the situation. I took the phone call and told them to slowly explain what happened. 

According to her friend that I spoke to, they had bought a Ouija board earlier, and decided to mess with it in a small building. As they were describing how they used the ouija board, I saw someone hanging from a noose, and I saw blood. 

Come to find out, as her friend was explaining himself, it was confirmed that the location in which they used the ouija board wasn't too far from the Norwich State Hospital for the (sometimes criminally) insane. He also said that "We followed all the rules, we said goodbye" Well, I hope this is a reminder for everyone reading, that it doesn't matter if you follow the rules, it doesn't matter if you're polite or think its a game. The Ouija has no pure intentions or uses, it is not safe and should never be used. 

During the phone call, I gave instructions and advice on what to do to calm the situation at the home. I told him to either burn or return the Ouija Board and told the homeowner to reclaim his space without being aggressive and without provoking the spirit. I told him to expect to be rushed by the spirit, and that if anything else were to happen that night, he wouldn't see it coming, as this spirit is very sneaky and stayed low to the ground. Obviously still concerned, the boys asked if there was anything else I could do for them. So, I invited them to come to our house and I would help them cleanse themselves. I put together a small bag of frankincense, frankincense oil and myrrh cones, so they could each cleanse their own homes as an extra precaution. I had them stand outside on our deck, and I helped them cleanse, pushing any and all negative energy out and into the ground. Fortunately, I think the spirit was more attached to the house they brought it to, rather than the boys. 

Since I cleansed them, I haven't heard any concerns from the boys or requests for further help, which is a good sign. 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

So, You've Been Seeing Repeating Numbers!

Have you ever caught yourself glancing at the clock and seeing the same numbers appear time and time again? Have you come across a bill board, a house or building with these same repeating numbers on them? If so, continue reading to find out what exactly this could mean for you and what numbers themselves are trying to tell you!

I finally decided to write up this article because I myself, as well as my partner have been seeing repeating numbers for months now. We became curious and decided to do a bit of research into what these numbers might mean and how they relate to our current situations and perceptions. 

Triple Numbers: The Most Common Sets Seen 

1:11 (111) is often thought of as a wake up call from your spirit guides and from the universe itself. These numbers call on you to really open yourself up to your true creative potential and true goals. It also calls upon you to pay more attention to those around you and let you know you're on the right path, put to keep paying attention and stay not track. These numbers can let you know that there is a high level of energy flowing around you, and to take advantage of it. 

2:22 (222)is often associated with obtaining or maintaining balance in your life. These numbers sometimes appear to remind you to stay true to who you are and what you believe in, to follow your gut. 

3:33 (333) tends to be one I personally see a lot no matter what my situation is. These numbers call for tuning your mind, body and spirit and aligning them with each other to create balance and harmony within yourself. These numbers call upon you to pay attention to what may be out of balance. In Christianity 333 is also in reference to the holy trinity. These numbers can also be an indication of the need for change and tough decisions need to be made. 

4:44 (444) is sometimes associated with family. These numbers may also be calling on you to pay more attention to what your loved ones are doing and to put more value in your family life. These numbers may also reference spiritual growth an awakening, especially for someone with abilities that are considered to be paranormal or of "psychic" origin. 

5:55 (555) Change and transformation may be around the corner for you if you keep spotting these numbers. These numbers are also considered by some to be the highest numbers one can reach. It may symbolize total spiritual awareness and "god like knowledge". This, again, is especially true for people with gifts or abilities that are out of the norm. These numbers are thought to hold and represent great power. 

Now, in my case I have been catching the numbers 222, 333, 444, 555 throughout the day for... Id say just about 2 months now. Now, from the research Ive done about this, I have gathered that this may mean that abilities and spiritual awareness will continue to grow and new abilities may present themselves. This may also mean that there is an ascension to greater things and constant transformation that is needed during this time. 

Because there are more double numbers that one can see, than triple numbers, I will save the most common double digits for another post! :)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Tools Used In Paranormal Investigations (1)

EMF METER : EMF stands for Electric Motive Force, which is how much force an electric charge has that the meter picks up on. Many investigators say that EMF is Electro Magnetic Fields, but this is technically not true. And, the scenes in which these investigators are using said EMF Detector, are basically filler scenes to entice the audience. The EMF detector cannot accurately detect spirit activity. But, heres what it DOES do, according to the Paranormal Investigation and Research Group : 

"The object is to measure the fields strength so that we can compare it to what is found in other locations. From this comparison, we can determine if there is poor insulation on some machine or if there are possible dangers to someone working in a given area. It can also be used to locate faulty wiring and hidden electronic spying equipment. "

In fact, I don't even recommend using one. You won't be able to gather and hard evidence of a paranormal occurrence using an EMF Meter. One was used in my home when I had a team come out to confirm the events that my family was experiencing, and it was being thrown off by various things in my house, such as a small fan, a turned off air conditioner, and other electrical devices. 

SB7 Spirit Box : The Spirit Box was designed to pick up the voices and sounds of spirits in real time. Essentially, its just like using a tape recorder, but you're hearing the messages in real time, and often, more clearly. The Spirit Box works by sweeping over hundreds of frequencies at a rapid rate in order to pick up a spirit communication, giving you higher chances of picking up a clear message. Some people choose to use a separate speaker to enhance the volume and clarity of the audio coming through the box, as one complaint is that it is sometimes hard to hear whats coming through. This tool is favored because of the rapid rate in which it sweeps, about 5 frequencies per second. This lessens the chance of you coming across a radio station or police signal. So, if you do end up hearing messages or full words/sentences, chances are that it is paranormal!

It is important to remember that none of the devices shown in this series of articles are meant to be used as toys. Whether they are being used for paranormal research or not, they are still scientific tools and are not to be regarded lightly. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Paranormal Terminology 2

Cold Spots: An environmental manifestation of spirit activity. Normally, cold spots are sudden, focused and significant drops in temperature. Normally occurring in areas with high levels of spirit activity. 

Evidence Analysis: This one is pretty much self explanatory, but this is the part of the investigation where researchers will go over each piece of evidence and debunk anything that is questionable. This is also where they go over EVPs, photos and videos captured. 

Eyewitness Accounts: This should take place before any other part of the investigation. This is where researchers take down eyewitness experiences and accounts. This will help them have a reference point during the investigation, to see if they can confirm, debunk and/or capture evidence to deny or confirm the testimonies of the family or individual. 

Inhuman: This term is somewhat controversial, but it is a term used to describe activity, phenomena or entities that are believed to be of non human origin. Some use the blanket term "demon" to describe inhuman entities, but just because something isn't human, doesn't necessarily mean it is evil. 

Lights Out: Though this term isn't used across the board for all investigations, it is used quite often to signal the official start of a paranormal investigation or experiment. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Facebook Group : Scientific Psychics

Hello readers!

I am making this post to inform everyone that I have had a Facebook group geared toward the scientific discussion of various paranormal topics. We try to explain, debunk, confirm theories and various supernatural events. We also offer free readings, mentoring/advice, articles, discussions, live streams and more. If you want to join the group, I will leave a link down below. Keep in mind, that this group does not and will not believe EVERY claim of paranormal activity and we first try to rationally explain something before coming to the conclusion that something is paranormal. So, if this sounds like the place for you, click the link and check us out!

Negative attitudes and combative comments are highly discouraged and will result in being removed from the group. There are 3 approved readers and rules must be signed on the group file before you may request a reading. While we take the paranormal and our approach seriously, fear not! There are plenty of more light hearted posts, such as strange phenomena, urban legends and articles / photos of haunted locations. 


1. All reading requests must be approved by an Admin.
2. This group is for the scientific and logical approach to psychic readings, phenomena, etc
3. Readings only take place if someone is drawn to your photo. You may bump your photo every 24 hours.
4. NO pictures of still borns, passed infants/fetus. This is triggering and upsetting for many people.
5. No mention of religion in readings. (Ex. You may NOT say anything like “God says...” “Allah tells me...”) Keep it non denominational
6. Moderators will remove any and all posts that violate rules
7. You may request 1 reading per week. If the number of members gets too high, I will change this to 1 reading per month per member.
8. You may NOT use scare tactics or tell people they have demons in their home, or they must leave, etc
9. Anyone with natural born ability may read people but only approved readers who are approved by me may advertise and do private readings.
10. NO photos of missing persons or anything pertaining to a criminal investigation!
Mental Health
10. You may only post pictures of yourself, passed loved ones or locations, NO third party photos.
11. No photos of people under the age of 18
12. No pictures of children unless they are your own
You must keep an open mind and remember this is a logic/scientific approach to it. Make sure you know what youre talking about! No spreading of information that is proven false.
NO readings may take place over PM, this caused problems in other groups. NO off record readings.
NO palm readings
No tarot reading
No foul language / swearing / bullying
Do NOT private message any reader or admin or mod
More rules will be added / revised as needed.
Please, comment “Read / Agree / *Date*” when youve read over the rules

Group Motto: " The future is never set in stone and you as an individual still have full control over your life, not to mention that you have the freedom of choice and that you are the only one who can dictate how things will eventually turn out. "

Group Link: Scientific Psychics

5 Common Dreams Almost Everyone Has At Least Once

1. Dreams of being chased : The majority of people say that they have dreams of being chased. This often addresses an individuals "fight or flight" instinct, that is instilled in all of us to a degree. If possible, try to remember whether you are the one doing the chasing, or if you are being chased. This could potentially alter the meaning of the dream. Also, try to take note of the space between you and whats chasing you or what you are chasing. This could be representative of how connected you are to the issue that is manifesting itself as an anxious chase scene. 

2. Dreams about Death : While most people perceive dreams about death literally, that is not always the case. Death is often metaphorical when it comes to dreams. Death doesn't mean ceasing to exist. It means that there is a change coming, often death in dreams alludes to rebirth or a fresh start. 

3. Losing your clothes / showing up naked : I think this may be one of the MOST common dreams Ive heard of. Nearly everyone I know has had one dream, if not more about being naked or losing their clothes. This type of dreams would be interpreted as one being extremely vulnerable or exposing themselves emotionally, which takes the form of being nude in a dream. Where the person is completely stripped of (no pun intended) any and all "armor" or protection that clothes often bring to people. 

4. Getting Pregnant / Giving Birth : I get this all the time " I had a dream about giving birth, this MUST mean I am pregnant or will be soon!" Hmm, no. Not exactly. Becoming pregnant or giving birth in a dream usually means that something new is coming. This something new can be an idea, a project, a milestone in life, a fresh start, or can represent growth and transformation in your waking life.

5. Dreaming about houses : Some say that dreaming about houses is representative of various aspects of an individuals personality and mind. For instance, dreaming of a basement may represent something suppressed by a person, or something not yet realized. Another interpretation is that each room you dream about represents something that the person isn't aware of in their waking life. Personally, I always have dreams about houses, frightening, horrific, morphing, houses. So what does that say about me? O_o

*Please note that it is important to remember that the person who has the dream is the only person who can 100% figure out their dreams and apply it to their life. Because you are the one most in touch with past events, feelings, etc. It is equally important to remember that not ALL dreams have deep meaning. I mean, Im fairly certain my dream about Tim Gunn from Project Runway being my dad doesn't mean much. 

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this more lighthearted post, and that you'll leave any questions or comments down below. 

Stay Spooky everyone!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Strange Phenomena : The Hat Man

Earlier today, I came across a story about "The Hat Man". Now, before I read said story, I had never heard of such an encounter or experience. According to people's accounts of The Hat Man, this mysterious figure likes to attach to and watch people. In some cases, the figure will follow families or individuals from place to place, state to state, home to home. No one knows for sure what The Hate Man is, but there are some theories that I will mention below. 

The Shadow Person Theory: Many have found connections to The Hat Man and Shadow People. Because of the way The Hat Man often manifests, there is solid evidence to suggest that The Hat Man IS a type of shadow person, or is at least a related being. 

Sleep Paralysis / Dream Theory: Often times, when people recall their encounter with The Hat Man, they mention that they saw him whilst in an extremely vulnerable or altered state, such as dreaming, or whilst going in and out of sleep. It would make a lot of sense that this entity is just a result of sleep paralysis, however, even more people are claiming to see this figure while completely sober and awake/alert. 

Ouija Summoning Theory: One of the aspects about The Hat Man that is so strange, is that some people claim to have been visited by The Hat Man after using a Ouija Board. So that brings up the question, is The Hat Man a spirit? A demon? An Alien? Some people think so!

The Men In Black Theory: Some people have noticed similarities between The Hat Man and The Men In Black sightings. The Hat Man and The MIB, are encountered in similar ways, and often bring similar experiences or consequences. Both The MIB and The Hat Man, are said to bring health problems, bad luck, disturbing dreams, and have both been said to have been summoned through a Ouija board. Not to mention the fact that The MIB and The Hat Man are said to be dressed  almost identically.

Few people even believe that The Hat Man is a subordinate of the Devil/ Lucifer / Satan, what have you. They think that The Hat Man is part of a grand scheme of evil. Do I think this? No. But I do think that a lot of people are seeing SOMETHING and I know that people are scared of it, and rightfully so. 

Logic Theory:There is one other possibility. It is possible that The Hat Man is merely a legend that people BELIEVE they are seeing everywhere. It wouldn't be the first time that a legend spun out of control and led to "sightings". The most famous one in my opinion that fits my logic theory would be "The Slender Man". We all know he's not real. But there are a handful of people that truly believe they are seeing him, two young girls were so convinced that they attempted to murder a classmate in the name of pleasing The Slender Man. 

Whatever The Hat Man is, I will agree that it is definitely creepy, and something that I believe is worth keeping an eye on in the future. 

If you'd like to read more about The Hat Man and people's encounters, you can check out the book The Hat Man : The True Story of Evil Encounters by Heidi Hollis.