Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Meditation Suggestions + What I Use Them For (1)

I am continuously finding new meditation tracks that seem to really help me in various ways. Not just while Im meditating, reading people or relaxing,etc,but during everyday tasks. This is not only helped my mood, energy and outlook, it has also made my head more clear and has heightened my ability to read people more easily and accurately. Below, youll find meditation track suggestions, accompanied by a short reason why/how I use them. 

Normally, I would only suggest instrumental tracks, but in some cases, certain lyrics may actually help you. Though I do not use lyrical songs during readings, as they could influence my findings. 

All links are clickable and will direct you to the track.

Orinoco Flow - ENYA

This track helps me focus before readings, helps me clear my head and keep on track. It helps me center myself and calm myself. 

Celtic Music | Irish Village Music

This track helps me clear negative or heavy energy. It helps bring my spirit and energy back up and center/ground myself. This track can also help lift a heavy mood and help with concentration. 

Cord Cutting Guided Meditation

This is a guided meditation that played a big role in helping me cut the connection to my old house. Although I do not like that this meditation references God, overall, it is still helpful if you ignore those elements and take the process more logically and follow the steps. 

Deep Cleansing Guided Meditation

This track can help you rid yourself of heavy, negative energy and influences. This can also help when youre feeling exhausted and having a hard time. This can be a first step in lifting dark energy from yourself and your home. 

Celtic Music | Irish Highlands

This track is super helpful for relaxation, focus and bringing yourself back to a more calm, centered place. This track can also make your energy feel more light.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

We Must Preserve The Seaside Sanitarium In Waterford CT


The Seaside Sanitarium must NOT be torn down or changed into a spa/resort. This building is too significant and historical. Please take a moment to sign this petition, all information in included in the petition as to why and how we should save this majestic, haunted, beautiful place.

Help Us Preserve This Location By Clicking HERE

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Black Eyed Children

Black Eyed Children are entities/creatures that appear to be kids, normally between the ages of 6 -16 years old. They normally have pale skin and pitch black eyes with no iris. They will try to portray themselves as innocent and in need of help. They will always try to invade your personal space, be it your car, home or your personal bubble. 

They may:

  1. Ask you for help
  2. Ask to come into your home
  3. Say they need to use your phone
  4. If you refuse them, they will say its urgent : "You NEED to help me!" or "Youre the only one that can help me!" "It wont take long"
  5. They will ring your door bell or knock incessantly until you answer the door
  6. Never look into their eyes

If you interact with them for too long, or happen to look into their eyes, you may start to feel as if youre under their control, perhaps in a trance like state. 

There are various theories about what exactly these Black Eyed Children are. Some say they are nothing more than an urban legend or myth, and that is quite possible. As the more people talk about something, the more real it can become to people, especially with platforms like Creepy Pasta and Thought Catalog. 

Other theories include, but are not limited to the following:

"Black Eyed Children are a hybrid" - Now, this is possible because it wouldnt be the first time that weve come across a cross breed of some kind. There has been sightings of such and documentation of such things. Although we cannot conclusively say it is 100% a hybrid creature, its definitely not normal. 

"Black Eyed Children are aliens" - This is the theory that makes the most sense to me, other than "BEC are just a myth". There has been documentation of life on other planets and areas of our universe. There are also solid theories that we ourselves are aliens, and that its quite possible more strains of them are showing up on our planet through various methods. 

"Black Eyed Children are demons" - This theory is understandable but not likely in my opinion. While demons will try to appear as children sometimes, they normally wont show themselves as evil look children. They will try to appear normal looking, innocent, kind, trustworthy, subtle and try to fly under the radar. They normally wont show up as pushy children who lack an iris with abnormally pale skin. That would be far too obvious, especially since most people who have claimed to encounter Black Eyed Children, say theyve come across them in broad daylight in common places like their homes, the store or near their cars. 

"Black Eyed Children are interdimensional beings" - Now the main problem I have with this theory is that inter/intradimensional beings normally are straight out of a science fiction novel or movie. Now, one could make the argument that so are aliens. But, when I say alien, Im not talking about the big headed, green skinned, black eyed lanky creatures people have come to know. Im talking about beings that look just like us, if not slightly different. Im talking about beings that are human like, but not quite. A humanoid, if you will. (Though Im not fond of that term either, for the sake of keeping this simple and understandable well use that word.)

The exact origin of these "children" isnt quite clear, and I havent been able to trace an original post that wasnt from a scary story website. Below, I will summarize a few encounters that have been documented and shared, so you can get a better understanding of what an interaction with these "children" would be like. 

"Thinking back on it I know that my normal reaction to seeing children in a snowstorm would have been to rush them inside and bundle them up with some blankets and hot cocoa, but that’s not how this felt. The children were very unnerving. They would not make eye contact and when my husband asked them if everything was ok they asked if they could come in. My husband looked at me like “what do I do?” and I asked the kids where their parents were.

“They’ll be here soon,” is all they said. " (- 

The woman who submitted this story to the above website, also stated that whenever they asked the children any type of question, their answer was always "Our parents will be here soon." She also mentioned that their voiced were sing song in tone and her husband began to get dizzy, developing regular nose bleeds after the children finally left. But before these kids left, the power went out for over 30 minutes, along with unnerving feelings. In the weeks following, the woman claims her husband got nightly nose bleeds, three of her pets went missing, along with various other pains and misfortunes. 

YouTube sensation Shane Dawson, who is no stranger to paranormal topics also came out with a video claiming he too had an encounter with the Black Eyed Children. He also included various video clips, of supposed sightings of these "children". The video is well done, so I suggest you check it out. I will link it down below.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Paranormal Terminology Index (1)

Angel: a spiritual entity of wholly positive nature.

Archangel: a type of angel, a class superior to the ten angelic orders of traditional angels.

Astral Body: the level of the human subtle body corresponding to the ordinary personality and consciousness : vehicle for astral projection.

Astral Projection: the process by which the conscious self of a living person leaves the physical body and travels in another, subtle body that can penetrate solid matter.

Body Of Transformation: etheric structure created by shapeshifters as an artificial etheric body.

Continuing Apparition: the ghostly image of a person that appears to the living over an extended period, normally appearing to more than one person.

Crisis Apparition: the ghostly image of a person that appears to friends, relatives, or others when that person is undergoing a major crisis such as an accident, a severe illness, or death.

Cryptozoology: the study of biological entities whose existence has not yet been accepted by the scientific mainstream.

Cultural Source Hypothesis: the theory that sightings of monstrous beings are the result of cultural sources such as legends, which are then projected onto ambiguous phenomena by believers.

Demon: a spirit/entity whose actions and apparent intentions toward human being are malicious, hurtful or destructive.

Monsters: An Investigators Guide To Magical Beings by John Michael Greer

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Haunted New England: Snedeker Demon House : Southington, Connecticut

Some of you may have heard of the Snedeker Demon House before. It is better known as "that house from 'A Haunting In Connecticut' movie." If youre a follower of Ed and Loraine Warren, you may also have heard of this terrifying funeral parlor being turned into a house. 

The story begins in 1986, when the Snedeker family moved into their rented new home in Southington,CT. The new family, which included Allen and Carmen Snedeker took over the home with their three sons and young daughter. Carmen and her family had decided to take a closer look around their new abode. Upon their investigation, she found tools that are used my morticians. It was after this, that they did some digging and finally realized their family home had once been a funeral home.

Shortly there after, one of their sons began to have nightmares and claimed to be seeing apparitions and horrifying images. Other occurrences include claims of inappropriate touching by demons, the smell of rotting flesh and water that turned blood red, only to return back to normal within minutes. 

However, even after Ed and Lorraine were hired and determined the house was taken over by demons, there were still holes in the family's story. No one in the family could give a straight, clear account or story about their experiences. And, after their story had been told so many times, and after they had signed a book deal, information came to light that this family was very aware that the Lutz family, of the Amityville horror house, had made a nice chunk of cash selling their story to the media and to publishers. 

Not only that, but many of their experiences seemed to be straight out of a horror flick or horror book. On top of THAT, the family couldnt gather any solid evidence that something paranormal was going on. It is alleged, by Ray Garton, that Ed Warren himself called the family "crazy" and that anything they couldnt tell the writer themselves, should be filled in and made up. The validity of Garton's statement cant really be determined, but this is one case that shook the state of Connecticut, especially after the 2009 movie telling of their story was released. 

Whether or not their story is completely true, half true or completely false, this wouldnt be the first time a true story was embellished for a book or the big screen. Because, in reality, true paranormal events, even the most frightening ones, wouldnt be all that interesting to watch if they took 100% true events and portrayed them accurately. Many "demonic" occurrences are much more subtle, and only in RARE instances does it get chaotic, dangerous and down right terrifying, as shown in many movies like "The Exorcist" and "The Conjuring". 

With all that said, the Snedeker family holds firm on their version of what happened to them and what they saw during their time in their Southington home. They have gone on record with several media outlets, including my states very own "Damned Connecticut". Below I will link a short interview that Damned Connecticut was able to get with a member of the Snedeker family:

Here is another angle of the Snedeker household. As you can see, the morgue doors were still there upon them moving in. It is my speculation and assumption, that this family may have already known that the house was once a funeral home. The structure of the house gives that away pretty clearly. 

The many holes in this story make it hard for me personally to believe this families stories 100%. Do I believe SOMETHING went on with their house? Yes, I do. Funeral Homes can be a hot bed for activity. But, so I also think the family has some explaining to do? Yes. I also think the holes in their story are far too big and far too stereotypical/cliche. I encourage you to do more digging on this case and let me know what you think of it!