Thursday, April 7, 2016

Paranormal Research Terminology (Part 1)

Along with my demonology posts, I will also be breaking down some Paranormal Research Terminology so you can better understand it.

EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) - Sounds that are caught on a recording device that are not/cannot be heard during the recording session. Sometimes they are clear (Grade A) recordings, where you can hear a voice and full words or sentences. Sometimes you may only get strange (or even unidentifiable) or muffled noises/voices (Class B - needs enhancement to be clearly heard). 

Anomaly - Anything abnormal / unusual / in contrast to its surroundings or environment. Now, just because there is an anomaly doesn't mean that its necessarily paranormal in nature. Some of the more commonly sighted/reported anomalies are as follows: shadows, orbs, footsteps, voices/whispers etc. 

Debunk(ing) - When an investigator or individual "debunks" activity, it means they've discovered a rational and non paranormal reason for said activity. 

Poltergeist - A supernatural entity (often caused by an individual unknowingly) that is responsible for activity such as loud noises, electronic disturbances, objects being moved, objects disappearing and reappearing in an obvious location, etc. *There are different types/levels of Poltergeist "hauntings".*

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