Thursday, April 7, 2016

Paranormal Research Terminology (Part 1)

Along with my demonology posts, I will also be breaking down some Paranormal Research Terminology so you can better understand it.

EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) - Sounds that are caught on a recording device that are not/cannot be heard during the recording session. Sometimes they are clear (Grade A) recordings, where you can hear a voice and full words or sentences. Sometimes you may only get strange (or even unidentifiable) or muffled noises/voices (Class B - needs enhancement to be clearly heard). 

Anomaly - Anything abnormal / unusual / in contrast to its surroundings or environment. Now, just because there is an anomaly doesn't mean that its necessarily paranormal in nature. Some of the more commonly sighted/reported anomalies are as follows: shadows, orbs, footsteps, voices/whispers etc. 

Debunk(ing) - When an investigator or individual "debunks" activity, it means they've discovered a rational and non paranormal reason for said activity. 

Poltergeist - A supernatural entity (often caused by an individual unknowingly) that is responsible for activity such as loud noises, electronic disturbances, objects being moved, objects disappearing and reappearing in an obvious location, etc. *There are different types/levels of Poltergeist "hauntings".*

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Demonology : Fallen "Angels" A-Z (#2)

The last post for Demonology focused on the A demons and "fallen angels". Here is the second set of names with explanations for set B.

Baal: name means "the lord"
Balam: looks like Asmoday, but with a serpant tail
Balberith: a grand pontiff in hell
Baraqijal: teaches astrology 
Barbatos: a great count, earl, duke of hell
Bathin: pale horse riding fallen angel
Beezlebub: known as "prince of demons" / the devil / satan
Behemoth: demon of the deep
Beleth: a terrible king over 85 legions
Belial: deceptively beautiful, name mean "without worth"
Belphegar: name means "lord of opening"
Berith: fallen angel (no specific description or meaning found)
Bernael: angel of darkness and evil
Bifrons: appears monstrous, teaching math arts
Botis: appears as a viper
Buer: teaches philosophy, logic and ethics
Bune: appears as a dragon with 3 heads

*As I said in the last demonology post, I do not follow any Christian / Catholic faith. I am only using the Latin / Christian / Catholic names of these entities because it is how they are most well known. I personally do not believe these entities are actually angels, but rather individual entities.*

Overview : Tulpas

Tulpa : To build or to construct 

Tulpa has also been translated as : phantom, conjured thing, or magical emanation. 

It is a concept in mysticism of a being or object that has been created via mental and or spiritual concentration or discipline. It is created by the mind of an individual. 

The concept is found in Tibetan and Indian Buddhism. 

In Indian Buddhism, being able to create a Tulpa, is considered a psychic power. However, in Tibetan Buddhism, individuals were taught that the Tulpa was nothing more than a hallucination, and were taught to accept that. 

The western version of a Tulpa, is often called a Thoughtform. 

Explanation of Tulpas/ Thoughtforms from Occultist William Walker Atkinson : 

- Thought-forms [are] simple ethereal objects emanating from the auras surrounding people, generating from their thoughts and feelings (from his book, The Human Aura)

- In his book, Clairvoyance and Occult Powers, Atkinson explains that "experienced practitioners of the occult can produce thoughtforms from their auras that serve as astral projections which may or may not look like the person who is projecting them, or as illusions that can only be seen by those with "awakened astral senses".( William Walker Atkinson (1916) )

*  Any human, divine or [demonic] being may be possessed of it. The only difference comes from the degree of power, and this depends on the strength of the concentration and the quality of the mind itself. (Alexandra David-NĂ©el, Magic and Mystery in Tibet, 1929, pg 115)

There are some that believe there is nothing supernatural about Tulpas at all, and some that do. Those that don't, explain them as simply being hallucinations or "imaginary beings" that are created by the individual. 

Whether you believe Tulpas are supernatural / Paranormal or not, you must admit they are an interesting topic to be discussed. Have you ever had a Tulpa? What are your thoughts on them? Are they supernatural or are they completely made up by the host? These are all questions to be explored, so take a chance and do some research of your own, who knows, you could learn something new!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Urban Legends : Daruma San (The Bath Game)

The game Daruma San, originated in Japan and eventually spread throughout the world via social media and websites like Creepy Pasta and the like. Now, like Ive said in the previous post about The Midnight Man, these "games" are not to be taken lightly. There is a real and likely possibility of you summoning an entity that you wont be able to handle. You can stir up something really bad if you mess around with rituals such as Daruma San. I do NOT condone anyone performing these rituals and these posts are for educational and information purposes only. 


1. Before you go to sleep, remove your clothing and enter your bathroom.

2. Fill the tub with water and shut off ALL the lights. 

3. Step into the tub and sit facing the faucet / tap.

4. Shut your eyes and begin to wash your hair while repeating the words "Daruma San fell down". Keep saying this until you have finished washing your hair. 

*As you wash your hair you should start to get an image of a Japanese girl with one eye missing standing in the tub. She slipped and fell, catching her eye on the faucet.*

5. When you sense the presence of Daruma San, say "Why did you fall in the bath?"

6. Keeping your eyes shut tight, get up and step out of the bath. Be VERY careful not to bump into anything or trip.

*It is now safe to open your eyes. Leave the water in the tub, go to your room and go to sleep.*

*When you wake the next morning, the game begins. Daruma San will be following you all day. Whenever you turn around to look, she will disappear. You may occasionally catch a peak of her throughout the day. As the day goes on, she will get closer and closer. It is important that you do NOT let her catch you. If you look and see that she is too close, you need to shout "Tomare!" , this means "Stop!". Then, run away from her as quickly as possible. Doing so will allow you to put some space between you and the spirit.*

*To END the game, you need to catch a peak of her and shout "Kitta!" This means "I cut you loose!". While you do this, hold out your arm and make the motion like a "karate chop" / cutting motion. You also must end the game BEFORE MIDNIGHT. If you do not do this Daruma San will enter your dreams and follow you there. This is DANGEROUS!*

Game Rules :
Do NOT open your eyes when you first sense the ghost
Do NOT allow the ghost to trip you as you get out of the tub
Do NOT reenter the bathroom after you leave
Do NOT drain the tub until the morning
Do NOT allow the ghost to catch up to you