Sunday, November 12, 2017

An Intro To Aromatherapy : Common/ Most Accessible Essential Oils

For this introduction to aromatherapy I will introduce to you, a few of the most common, accessible essential oils that you can use to get started in the world of aromatherapy and cleansing. 

1. Lavender : Lavender can be very calming and help you with sleep. I would recommend you use it carefully or sparingly as for myself and many others, too much of this oil or scent can cause a headache. 

2. Chamomile : Most of you know Chamomile in the form of a tea. In the form of an oil, it can have the same calming, restful effects. that a tea will give you. It has a very earthy scent and is great when mixed with other complimentary oils. 

*I will provide a quick guide on how to mix or combine oils safely, effectively, in another post*

3. Rosemary : This oil is more invigorating and uplifting than the first two mentioned. This is another earthy, woodsy scent and is great when used with a mixer or carrier oil. This oil can be used in a diffuser (as all other oils can be), or with a carrier oil when used directly on the skin for massage purposes. 

*Carrier oils should be mixed with any essential oil when you put it directly on the skin. Carrier oils (such as almond oil, for one example) dilute the essential oil enough so it has a lower chance of it causing a reaction on your skin, or being too overpowering.*

4. Lemon : Lemon is another invigorating and refreshing scent. Often used in face washes, to act as a wake up or pick me up in the morning. Lemon oil as an obvious citrusy, vibrant and light floral scent to it. Lemon itself is antibacterial as well, which is why its in so many skincare and cleaning products. 

5. Frankincense : This is a very deep, warm scent. It is quintessential in cleansing your home and is commonly used. To some, Frankincense is considered holy or scared. I suggest you use this oil with a carrier oil or in a diffuser, as it can be very strong / potent if used on its on or if you use too much. This oil is believed to help with respiratory issues, so it can be used in a hot bath or as a massage oil. 

6. Peppermint : Peppermint is fresh, distinct and refreshing. It can permeate a room instantly if it is clean and fresh. Mint is believed to help with digestion or stomach aches. Some people use peppermint to rid their home of insects and pests, but my favorite use for it is in aromatherapy. A few drops in a steaming shower or hot bath, mixed with a carrier oil to help alleviate sore muscles, or in a diffuser so it can permeate the air and slowly lead you into a cooling state.