Some of you may have heard of the term "PK Manifestation" but how many of you actually know what it is, and what it means? Do you know the signs on a PK Manifestation? In this post I will answer all those questions, in hopes that you'll gain a better understanding of the term.
PK Manifestation : Psychokinesis / Psychokinetic Manifestation
Lets start by defining Psychokinesis on its own. Psychokinesis is the production or control of motion, especially in inanimate objects, through psychic powers.
Psychology (Parapsychology) : Alteration of the state of an object by mental influence alone, without any physical intervention.
Psychiatry : A state of violent, uncontrolled motor activity.
What does it mean to have a PK Manifestation?
Let me start by saying,that a true, violent / problematic PK Manifestation is usually a rare occurrence and if you suspect you are experiencing one, consult a medium or parapsychology professional. Someone who is qualified to help you with that particular situation.
To better help you understand how a PK comes along, I will refer to a quote by medium Amy Allan :
" There are different levels of poltergeist, including the (Psychokinetic) PK Manifestation. It takes an extreme situation to get a PK Manifestation. Someone who has that (psychokinetic) ability, there's usually some sort of extreme trauma they've been suffering, typically for many years..."
What are the signs of a PK Manifestation?
Now, because a PK Manifestation is classified as a type of Poltergeist activity, some of the signs might be similar to a "normal", more common poltergeist haunting.
- Knocking or tapping noises
- Sounds with no visible cause
- Disturbance of stationary objects
- Doors slamming
- Lights turning on and off by themselves
- Fires breaking out
Most cases of PK Manifestations break out from young girls, but boys entering puberty have also been noted to experience or create a PK Manifestation. It should also be noted that the age groups above are most common for this type of activity, but it can happen to women and men of any age,given the right circumstances.
Each case is different, so be sure to note who is in the room when most of the activity or the most noticeable activity occurs.
As with any type of haunting, I suggest keeping a log or note book in order to jot down what happens, who it happens to, and when it happens.
I hope you found this post helpful, please look forward to more! And, as always, please feel free to message my e-mail (just be sure to say youre messaging me about a paranormal question, or are a reader of the blog) with any questions or concerns.
As Christmas and the holiday season rolls around I am once again compelled to warn people of the dangers of gifting people Ouija Boards, or anything that is or may be connected to the occult or used to communicate with spirits. Although there are various other tools that are dangerous and should not be used, I will be focusing on the Ouija Board today as it is one of the most popular and most dangerous methods to use.
I will provide a short history, a few key facts and plenty of reasons why you should stay away from Ouija Boards this holiday season... and all year round as well.
Ouija Origin
Although the concept of the Ouija and the original origin of the actual board is unknown, the name is believed to have come from "Oui", (the French word for 'yes') and "Ja", (the German word for 'yes'). So the literal translation of the name would be "Yes Yes Board". It is commonly pronounced "Wee - Jah" or "Oh-ee-jah" today.
Dangers of Ouija
The biggest danger of using an Ouija board is the possibility of demonic influence or possession. You will also open yourself up to deception by using a Ouija Board.
Often, people will try to use an Ouija Board in order to contact a loved one that has passed or to get answers to questions they are seeking about afterlife or the spiritual world. Anyone who thinks that they will be able to connect genuinely with a loved one or get accurate, honest answers through an Ouija Board, is sadly mistaken. The use of the board is giving demons and malevolent spirits permission to come through and deceive those using the board. They use the board as a gateway into your thoughts and soul, in order to manipulate you and cause harm to you and or your family.
In fact, to share a personal experience, my two older sisters used an Ouija Board when they were younger, and a myriad of problems have followed my family ever since. The biggest issues occurring in my old house... but that 14 year long story is for another post.
Anyway, any use of an Ouija is highly discouraged and dangerous! It is NOT a game, it is NOT innocent and it is most definitely NOT a JOKE!
If youd like to learn more about the Ouija, I suggest you do some in depth research and learn exactly what can happen to those to mess with them. The stories of the unfortunate things that have happened to people whove used the boards are far too many and vast to post them here.
Please look forward to my next posts, where Ill be discussing PK Manifestations, Friendly Spirits, How To Know Your House Is Haunted, and various other topics.